Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be a part of the solution to the problem that is plastic pollution. The movement helps to have cleaner streets, oceans, and cleaner communities. 

This Plastic Free July, betternotstop hopes to inspire people to consider their everyday plastic usage and make small lifestyle changes to reduce the impact of plastic on our planet. 

Below is a list of ways in which you can ditch single-use plastics:

  1. Invest In Reusable Straws
    Simply say no to plastics at a restaurant like plastic straws when buying a drink. There’s a reusable alternative to suit almost every need. 
  1. Bring Your Own Bag
    Plastic bags help to fuel the plastic waste problem so make the switch to reusable bags when shopping around. Consider investing in shopping totes and net bags. 
  1. Reusable Bottles And Mugs
    An easy switch you can make is to invest in reusable bottles that can be used in various ways - from storing drinking water and soft drinks as well as hot drinks too.
  1. Invest In Containers
    Take advantage of the bulk food sections at grocery stores. Bring your reusable container to stock up. Some stores will even allow you to bring your own containers from home to fill prepared foods.
  1. Take Action And Get Involved
    If you’re not sure where to start, consider joining an environmental organisation and help them take action in raising awareness. Giving your time can make a difference. Ecologi is one of our favourites - but there are plenty more out there too so do your research and choose the one that’s right for you!

Even if you only manage to reduce your plastic consumption by a small amount this July, consider adopting any of these habits in your day-to-day life. Shifting your mindset around plastic consumption will make a huge impact. AND try not to be too hard on yourself if you slip up. 

If you’re feeling inspired and wish to learn more, please head to our blog on the zero waste places to shop from and learn how to go zero waste by watching our YouTube video here.

You can also sign up to our newsletter and join us on LinkedIn to keep up with our upcoming news and events. 

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